Friday, May 15

Wow!!! I`ve won car

This week or so the company has yet again excelled itself using advanced technology in a move up from the "Ringback" that we provided customers with. Instead of Ringback, our customers who call us using a mobile will get a "Textback".

So whats a Textback". In simple terms its a text telling the customer that their taxi is outside and the beauty of it is that the text also tells the customer what the make model colour and registration of the taxi is.

This has many benefits, It allows the customer to easily spot you, They and you know you have the right fare and car. The customer knows they are being picked up by the cab they ordered and not another one trying to steal the job.

On this one particular day, I picked a young girl up who told me that everytime she rang for a taxi she got sent a junk text message telling her she had won a car. She debated this with her boyfriend and each had thought the other had entered a competition and won a taxi cab.

I didnt realise people could be that thick. I wonder if she replied to the text to see if she really had won a prize.

Honestly. some people are only alive cos its illegal to shoot them. And its right what they say, "In every bunch of roses, theres always one prick".


John said...

"Only alive"
Good un that.
textback is a great Idea.
I worked for a radio co once who had a guy using a scanner pinching jobs.
The called non exixstant driver 24 to collect a Mr Smyth going to Navan (20miles).
Mr Smyth asked to be dropped at the police station and gave the rogue driver the voucher to be redeemed by driver 24.
He couldn't say a word.

Bill said...

JOHN: Excellent way of sorting it out. Like it