Tuesday, June 12


Well it's that time of the year again and time for my annual break, but I will be back soon hopefully refreshed and with more tales to tell. I'm hoping that the wife doesn't have any more tricks up her sleeve like the one she pulled a couple of years back. We were flying from the busy Manchester airport and I was asked to open my bag whilst they checked it. No problem with that I thought, I have nothing to hide, or so I thought. The stern faced security guy delved into the bag and pulled out a clear plastic bag full of a white powder, what's this he asked holding it up triumphantly. I was speechless, I genuinely didn't know and all sorts of visions started to come into my head of handcuffs and jail cells. The wife meanwhile had gone on ahead but thankfully returned when she noticed that I had gone as white as the mysterious powder. She explained to the now disappointed security guy that she had packed some soap powder in my bag without telling me. Even then he opened the bag and smelled it to check that we weren't international drug smugglers. Even though I am not that keen on flying, I was still very relieved to board the plane and order a stiff drink. I won't say where I am of to but if you watch these cookery videos you may guess!
How to make Fajin
Stuffed Vine Leaves


Peggy said...

Have a nice holiday Bob!

Dogbait said...

Have a good one, mate!

TUFFENUF said...

I just hope you don't go blind this time while on vacation! Have a good time!

bigbikerbob said...

Have a great holiday and watch out for the "white powder" see you soon.

Paradise Driver said...

Okay. Its been two weeks. I can hardly wait to hear about your holiday. Hopefully there were no trips to the hospital, etc.