Friday, November 3


I see that the recently refurbished Theatre Bar in Barrow's Cavendish St has introduced a dress code, no track suits or baseball caps. Now to me this is as daft as our floating nightclub the Blue Lagoons no trainers policy, it's just another excuse for bouncers "oops sorry" door persons to pick and choose who they would like to let in. Many of my fares tell me story's of being refused entry and door staff using the dress code as an excuse. If one of the door staff didn't like you at school or work, then you simply don't get in. You've got even less chance if you went out with his sister, or even worse his mother or the very worst case scenario his gay brother. No matter how someones dressed at the end of the day it's that person's behavior that should be judged not his clothes, thugs wear suits too! And it does just seem to be the fellas who have to conform to this adaptable dress policy, is this sex discrimination?

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