Monday, January 9


Apart from being a taxi driver I also do a part time job which fits in very nicely at the same time. This consists of inspecting advertising posters for a firm from the south west and sending the results by E mail. This is to check for damage or incorrect advertisers. Sometimes I am asked to photograph the posters for the advertiser and email the photos to them. This sometimes leads to funny looks off people when they see me photographing a poster or advert on a bus shelter. When I was uploading today’s photos I noticed this one on the left, I didn’t notice the two guys in the background when I took it, don’t look too happy to be in the picture do they.(click to enlarge).


Anonymous said...

Pair of scrotes..they are everywhere nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Probably somewhere they aren't suppose to be.

bob mullen said...

We tend to call them smack rats round here.

Anonymous said...

Scumbags like that always think it's all about them, don't they?