Sunday, January 21


With one of Barrow main roads Holker St being blocked for repairs we cab drivers are having to think on our feet(mmm not true in reality it's on our butts ) to avoid long delays. But because this is one of the main thoroughfares it does lead to us having to take longer routes to get to certain places. For instance when picking up from the towns Asda supermarket today my fare was going to the Rawlinson St area which normally would be a mile or so straight on and cost about £1:80p. But of course with the junction being closed I had to detour round and back on myself and the fare clocked up £2:80p, and believe me the lady wasn't very happy. " But I only ever pay £1.80p" she said again and again and "it's not my fault the roads closed" With logic like that I can see some arguments happening over the few months that these road works are to go on for. The only logical solution is for Rawlinson St to be opened up for access from Abbey Rd in the out of town direction, but hey logic doesn't usually enter into these things does it?


Anonymous said...

Isnt that why they're doing the roadworks in the first place? So that they can reintroduce the right hand turn into Rollo!

Peggy said...

A one pound rise is pretty drastic, however, I'm still cringing over yesterday's YouTube clip.

bob mullen said...

peggy: no need for you to cringe you're obviously nothing like the examples shown.

bigbikerbob said...

Hello there as an ex Taxi driver (disabled a year ago)We here in Teignmouth(Devon)never ever used to charge our regular customers extra for things like roadwork detours or traffic delays,caused mostly by holiday makers, we would generally run our meters on stopped.Any way keep on blogging ,stories all take me back.