Wednesday, March 14


My daughter Emma won a competition with the Beano, the long established kids comic. The prize was a set of collectible key rings, fourteen in all, but it seems that they are meant to appeal to the grubbier nature of kids nowadays. They are called Bogies and some of the keyring character's are named Slipsnot, Roland Flick, Gobzilla, and Loves me Snot. What can you say charming eh!


Anonymous said...

So what's new? The kids I used to teach thirty years ago were very fond of green 'slime'. And my daughter Karen - almost 27 now - grew up with Fungus the Bogeyman!

Peggy said...

You will never top bogeys and farts as a source of amusement, so don't even try. As the mother of three boys, I know that the quickest way to make them giggle is to pass wind.