Part of the job description being a taxi driver is having to put up with the drunks and other idiots that we get in the cab but this week I just couldn't believe it when a passenger got in the cab and told me where he wanted to go. Seeing the meter start on £1.50p on tariff 4 he thought I was ripping him off and told me that the meter said I was charging him for 4 people. I did try to explain that the number 4 was the tariff number and not the amount of people in the cab.
He insisted that I turn the meter off and set it to number 1 for 1 person. (Tariff 1 is more expensive than tariff 4) but he's the customer and the customer is always right (do they still say that).
I put the meter on number 1 as he requested. It started at £2.00p and he never queried the extra 50 pence difference. He was just quite happy to see the number 1 on the meter thinking it meant one person.
At the end of the short half mile or so journey he paid the fare of £2.20p, gave me a £5 note and told me to keep the change.
You just cant understand how some peoples brains function.
Morons is the word I'd use.
Customer satisfaction is the goal for any company, so customer need to be served. right or wrong does matter, we need to serve what they are asking for. I also suggest Tranzitt for those kind of customers. I recently use this taxi from heathrow to gatwick
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