Nice Boots
It was still dark early this Sunday morning when I picked my first fare up, a guy with an overnight bag and a face glowing white in the last of the moonlight. Shakily he told me he was going to Furness general Hospital for one of their weekend queue busting surgery parties. He seemed very tense and nervous, and so being the kind considerate guy that I am I started some small talk. "You know how all the female nurses on TV hospital dramas are all like glamour models?" I asked. "Ohh yes " he stammered nearly smiling, "well in real life they are all look like Russian shot putters, only not quite as feminine " He groaned in appreciation of this useful titbit and so I decided to tell him more. "You know when they say--this won't hurt a bit" I asked. "Yes" he said brightening up "well" I said "they are lying." When we reached the hospital and he was getting out, I hopefully pointed to his new looking expensive boots "what size are they?", I asked innocently "I take a ten myself" He didn't answer me but I must have put his mind at rest, because he ran into the hospital.
hi Bob, Who do you think you are Clint eastwood, after his boots indeed, I'm not surprised he took off like a jack in the box.
I love the way you were able to lighten up this poor souls day.
I am sure he appreciated it.
I have wondered if the RNs are given DNA testing to determine the type of uniform they must wear.
Poor guy. I wonder what he was going in for. It was kind of you to try to take his mind off of where he was going.
Bob:Naw I am better looking than old man Clint.
Wil: Yes I love to help. I think they all wear unisex scrubs nowadays, mores the pity!
Peggy: They tend to do the minor ops at the weekend, at least I hope it was a minor op for him anyway.
You know what they asy about a man with big feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats right Big Socks
You are so very king and considerate! I, too, have been in such similar situations before, and thought it my duty to help assuage their fears. But I never received a pair of boots for my trouble!
The Cab Guy
PS - Thank you for the link to by site "Road Rage and Taxi Tales. I really appreciate it.
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