Anyone interested in three brand new Corvettes, never used, delivery mileage only?
These three potential bargains are tied up in our local docks here in Barrow awaiting a buyer. Ordered by the sultan of Brunei allegedly the richest man in the world at a cost of £600m.
When BAE finished building the ships in 2004, the Government of Brunei refused to accept them, claiming that they were not up to specification. BAE took Brunei to arbitration and three years later the matter was settled. The arbitrator found in favour of BAE and the remaining value of the contract was paid.
The corvettes are high-speed vessels designed for use in coastal protection, specifically the defence of Brunei’s offshore oil assets.
Defence sources believe that the real reason for Brunei’s dissatisfaction with the vessels is that they were overcommissioned and, therefore, too complex.
The ships are armed with Exocet Block II antiship missiles, Seawolf surface-to-air missiles and a front-mounted gun.
If you are interested, bear in mind that these boats have been designed with the doors and beds constructed for smaller sailors, so start looking for mini-sailors first.
The ships being designed for a warmer climate also lack heating, so you may need to equip your mini-sailors with fur coats.
I wonder how much they are. Perhaps instead of buying a caravan when I retire .. . .
Wouldn't it be fun to own a battleship, even for a little while?
Would they be any good as canal boats Bob, or do they do more than 4mph?
Bill(the old one).
peggy:Yep me too, and who would argue about where you parked it.
Bill: Ideal as a canal boat bill, no need to open the locks a quick burst from the deck gun should suffice. If not theres always the Exocet's.
At only two hundred million a piece, ill take all three :)
But seriously it would be funny to see these listed for sale on an online classified site like:
Boats For Sale
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