Monday, December 25

Two Dinners

Christmas day was for me was just another working day, the alternative was dinner at the mother in laws which I think I considered for about ten seconds. Someone's got to do it and besides I only worked for six hours, a nice quiet day just ferrying people round visiting their relatives and back and forth from restaurant's. Two or three kid's I picked up were having two Christmases, one at each parents house, great they said, but not the two huge competing Christmas dinner's they were expected to eat. This year I never had anyone moaning about the fares being double, and I should think not either, everyone else when they work a holiday expects double time and so why not your taxi driver. ; Oh just joking about the ma in law, honest!


Paradise Driver said...

Oh just joking about the ma in law, honest!

I hope she is amused if she reads this.

I wish we could double our fares on Christmas. We could/would get more drivers working. Only had two cabs out last night.

John said...

I worked a few Christmas days myself. On the last two occasions I found myself driving round with kids realy who were looking for heroin. The dealers were sold out but they did manage to get some, though it was the "brown stuff"
I have a story about drugs (havent ewe all)which I will tell one day.
Happy new year.

bob mullen said...

Wil maybe Christmas isn't as big a deal over there, but then again new year is double rate as well

John no drug runs for me this Christmas, but had a few going to the pharmacy for the big meth script just before.